Study continuation.

Since the time for admission to full-time full-time department was missed by trying to enter the budget in SPbGASU ADI, I had two ways, namely to go to the army and enter after completing military service, which I categorically did not want, and the second option to enter the evening department in another university and at the end of the first semester transferred to the full-time department of full-time education, only in this case I could stay on the civilian and continue to receive higher education.

  So I was in VTUZ at LMZ in the evening department of the Faculty of Technology of Mechanical Engineering, it was easy for me to study, as preparation in school was serious enough and on the results of the first semester I managed to transfer to a full-time department. But dreams about the automobile business did not let me go. I got a job in the automobile workshop on Primorsky prospect, worked part-time as an apprentice auto mechanic, and learned to twist nuts in the garage. As I now realize if you want something very badly, you can do it, and the universe will help you. At the end of the second year I collected documents about the credited disciplines in the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and submitted documents on transfer to SPbGASU ADI and since the programs of the two first courses of technical universities are similar I successfully transferred to the desired university. It was an important achievement for me and a small victory, I was in a group with the guys with whom we together passed the entrance exams, the only thing I did not go to AC Auto Service, and in AH Auto Maintenance, these groups of students studied in the same stream and the differences in the program were critical. I studied with pleasure, especially I liked disciplines related to modern technologies and solutions in the automotive industry. Information about my alma mater here