Practice and professional activity.

While still studying at the institute, I decided that I would work in the specialty I was studying and as they say made up a third of the specialists who work in the specialty, research here .

  In the fifth year of the institute, I went to get an internship at that time in my opinion the most prestigious company in St. Petersburg and also with foreign management, it was the company VEHO   Finnish company official dealer of Mercedes-Benz and Chrysler in Russia, was located on Orbeli Street in St. Petersburg.

  Coming to the office of the company I asked to meet with the management of the auto repair division of the auto center and I was accepted by the head of the service station and after a short interview was invited to practice in the repair area as an assistant diagnostician. So I found myself in an international company and began to learn the corporate culture and principles of work in the service. After passing the internship and receiving the diploma of engineer, the company management invited me to work in the warranty department, where I was engaged in drawing up technical documentation and assisted the warranty engineer. During the whole time of work in this company I passed a large number of different training courses from the company and Mercedes-Benz representative office in Russia, the company valued qualified specialists and did everything to make the staff to improve their professionalism.